Saturday, January 24, 2009

B is for Beer, Our Lady of the Blue Moon

Tom Robbins has a posse, and it is us! We, his readers, are taking to the streets and watering holes, guerilla style, to spread the Word of his new book, "B is for Beer," to be release April 21, 2009 by Ecco.

I was his idea--Tom suggested to the marketing department of Ecco that they make promotional materials (stickers, cards and coasters) available to his readers to have fun with. Ecco said they've never done anything like this before. It is an absolutely brilliant strategy, and fitting, too. Tom Robbins early books were sniped at by the litereary establishment critics. His reader knew better, and passed the word (and the books) from hand to hand and his reputation among readers spread like wildfire. (I received my first TR book, "Another Roadside Attraction," from a stranger right here in the Blue Moon in the early 70s.) His books are currently published in 22 languages across the globe, and he is one of the world's most beloved authors.

This take-it-to-the-streets strategy of Tom's somehow feels like a gift and a nod to his readers. I'll post more photos of the blitz here from time to time.

For your own packet of cards, stickers and coasters, email and include your mailing address.

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