Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"B is for Beer" Spread the Word, Build the Buzz and Bottoms Up!

From the very begiinning, Tom Robbins's books have been promoted by readers' word of mouth and passed from hand to hand, even as mainstream literary pundits sniffed and snipped. Readers recognized treasure when they saw it. I recieved my own first dog-eared copy of his first book, Another Roadside Attraction from a bearded and bandana'd stranger in Seattle's Blue Moon Tavern over 35 years ago. My life has never been the same since that reading, and I know I'm not alone. His books are published, read and loved around the world. Tom will be 73 years old in July. This could be his last book-- though one never knows with Tom...he's never one to sit still. When author Kurt Vonnegut died, there was a run on his books and an outpouring of love; a member of his family said it was too bad he wasn't there to see it. May Tom Robbins live forever, but in the meantime, he should know and never doubt that he and his books are treasured and loved, and that we're grateful for what he's given us over the past decades of his life.

This is an opportunity for readers to put into action our gratitude for the delicious delight and profound crazy wisdom Tom Robbins has given us over the years. Tom will be 73 years old in July. This could be his last book-- though one never knows with Tom...he's never one to sit still. When beloved author Kurt Vonnegut died, there was a run on his books and an outpouring of love; a member of his family said it was too bad he wasn't there to see it. May Tom Robbins live forever, but in the meantime, he should never doubt that his books are treasured and loved. I will be plastering every nook and cranny of my city, blogging and spreading the word, in an effort to pay tribute to this most esteemed author. If you'd like to join in this grassroots joyride, contact Ecco publishing (who also published Charles Bukowski and Leonard Cohen—a rich tradition) at ecco@harpercollins.com for stickers, greeting cards and coasters to help spread the word, Tom Robbins style. ~MW

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